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Yale Peabody Museum
Pre-program work
Prior to my conservation degree, I worked at YPMNH in various capacities. I started as a summer volunteer at the museum, working with Anthropology and Conservation on a collection move. After completing my BA, I spent two years as an intern, primarily working on the Pacific Barkcloth Project but taking on other projects as necessary.
Pacific Barkcloth Project
180 barkcloths (tapa)
Aim: Stabilize, document, and repackage collection for storage
12 tapa needed major treatment, 26 needed minor repairs
Tears and holes patched with strips of Japanese tissue, adhered with wheat starch
Collection photographed for database, including some IR and UV photos
Each tapa rolled onto a tube and wrapped in Melinex
Poster for the Society for Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) conference, 2016
6 South American vessels
Aim: Reconstruct for storage
Vessels cleaned in water, old adhesive removed with scalpel, acetone
Re-adhered with HMG Paraloid B72
Gap fills deemed unnecessary for stability
Other Projects
For more information, contact:
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